Friday 20 June 2014

My favourite witer

Hi everyone, today I'll talk about my favorite writer, his name is Julio Cortazar. He was born in Belgica in 1914 but his nationality was Argentina, only until 1981, when he changed his nationality to French, in protest against the Argentine government.

I know this writer because my parents named my sister Maga. "La Maga" is the main female character in the play "Rayuela" Cortazar, and my parents were fond of this book and this author. So I was always familiar with his writing.

"Rayuela" has an introspective story about the life of Horacio Oliveira and his life in Paris, where he meets a woman whose name is Lucia but he tells La Maga.
The book has several ways to read, it is written by chapters and how you play is made with the subjectivity of each.

Cortazar's writing is a constant questioning of reason and conventional ways of thinking, his work pass on the border between the real and the fantastic.

The instinct, chance, the enjoyment of the senses, humor and play are very present in all his works

From Cortazar I have read many stories, but the book that I liked was "Bestiario", his first book of stories, into it exist exceptional stories, with a amazing writing.


  1. I also like this fantastic writer, I recommend that you search his stories read for him.

  2. I adore Julio Cortazar principally his book of storys because this keep us expectants and interested for know the ending of each story.

  3. I LOVE CORTAZAR TOO! my favourite book is Rayuela, is so interesting
