Friday 26 September 2014


Hello, classmates and teacher. Today i'm going to talk you about the creativity and how I work with her and what are the things who help me to create. Also the artist who like me and inspire me. But I don't going to talk of my creative working process, because I don't have one, I always work my projects in different ways, and I don´t have a clear idea of how I do, just I do.

I see creativity as a very important thing because its a tool to art, to me, the creation as a process that never end.

I try in my work talk about daily things, not understand the art like something separated from the real life. This things, that I see on the street, with which I am everyday, things that living my neighbors, all this are the things who help me to create.

I think that the university give me the chance to know another artists, to know the work from my mates, and also the space to work, because the workshops are big.

Felix Maruenda is an artist whom I admire greatly. He is a chilean sculptur, his work to me seems very interesting because works primarily with metal, has works of great wingspan and his work in general is political, which I also like.

Saturday 28 June 2014

Blogging Experience

Hi everyone! the experience of write this blog to me was very exciting because writing is a way to traspasing my thought and my imagination, also knows another side of myself. Writing to me was very complicated just at the beginning, but later it wasn't, the words just came out.

Lately was influenced my reading by George R. R. Martin series called "A song of fire and ice", with this I believe I have improved in redaction, I think. I hope... A friend of mine showed me these books, he loves the saga and helped me in so many ocations with the book, the reading and the names, because are many characters. 

In the future I would like dedicate me to writing and reading, I think that help to reflexion and imagination, also help to clear the ideas and to keep open mind.

Despite my difficulties was a pleasant experience and I put into practice what I learned in class. 

I'm not good at reading or writing but these books and blogs has motivated me to do it more. 

The blog is also very useful to give an opinion, report and share with others, learn and know the tastes and interests of friends who also were writing the post.

Thursday 26 June 2014

How I use facebook

Hello classmates! I've to say that I´ve surprise with this topic, I think its fun but I don't know why. Anyway... facebook.
Long time ago, when I studied in high school I'll created my facebook page because I really wanted to find friends of my old school or relatives, also friends from where I used to live before, just find them...
I'll used to answer quiz from facebook and play some games, now that I think, it was very boring...
Now, I use facebook to share pictures, news, songs or some thought.
But, I don't know why, I check my facebook and I close it again many times at day, I think I do this because if someone is connected and I need tell something, or see news important from other people or even other countries, see it in time.
I continue adding friends or bands that I like, to keeping in touch and know what it's new.
The problem is when you replace the personal contact and you forget the really important, the people think sometimes that write in the wall of facebook or send a message to a friend is enough to build a relationship. But see each other, touch each other, the real contact, it's the really important to life and be happy.
Now facebook is many platforms in one, because that we used it so much. I think.

Sunday 22 June 2014

Mural with recycled materials

Hi! Today I'll present you an article, this news about a mural with recycled materials its very interesting to me, because it combines two things I like, art and reuse of materials that are considered trash. This gives another chance to materials that contaminate the planet and we can use to make something, murals, sculptures, installations, with more people, with community, create collective art.

This work shows how the collective work and cooperation between people with a common purpose, with common interests and concerns; art, culture and ecology, gives great results.

This kind of work proves us that aren't necessary a lot of money or many resources to create something, either big or extensive, to and by the community. Regardless of the work size, with a clear objective and cooperation between people can be possible.

Well, and here I let you a quote that I really liked and that it summarize a way of seeing the world, more friendly and conscious with nature and human.

"Art, in fact, is a latent feeling in every human beings, if we are responsible and we stop to grow it, we find that can be a transformative and transcendental tool" Noelia Rébori.

Friday 20 June 2014

My favourite witer

Hi everyone, today I'll talk about my favorite writer, his name is Julio Cortazar. He was born in Belgica in 1914 but his nationality was Argentina, only until 1981, when he changed his nationality to French, in protest against the Argentine government.

I know this writer because my parents named my sister Maga. "La Maga" is the main female character in the play "Rayuela" Cortazar, and my parents were fond of this book and this author. So I was always familiar with his writing.

"Rayuela" has an introspective story about the life of Horacio Oliveira and his life in Paris, where he meets a woman whose name is Lucia but he tells La Maga.
The book has several ways to read, it is written by chapters and how you play is made with the subjectivity of each.

Cortazar's writing is a constant questioning of reason and conventional ways of thinking, his work pass on the border between the real and the fantastic.

The instinct, chance, the enjoyment of the senses, humor and play are very present in all his works

From Cortazar I have read many stories, but the book that I liked was "Bestiario", his first book of stories, into it exist exceptional stories, with a amazing writing.

A piece of technology

Hello, today I'm going to talk about a piece of technology that I really like, my photographic camera.

This camera is very important to me, because it was a gift from my mom. She took pictures very young, but never studied anything in relation to art or photography, it was just an amateur. I always liked your pictures and I think because of that interested me art.

Although it is not a great camera, is not professional or anything, it has great sentimental value to me because it is something that unites us with my mom, because we don’t understand a lot of things and always have differences in how we understand the world or understand things. But this makes it a common language we share.

Since she gave me the camera I think something changed between us.

My favourite Artist

Hi! In this post I'll talk about my favourite artist, truly i don't have only one, but if I had to pick just one I would say Felix Maruenda.

He is a chilean sculptur. His full name is Felix Albor Maruenda Valencia. He was born in santiago on april 20, 1942. He studied sculpture at the School of Fine Arts at the University of Chile.

I know him since I was a child; my mom's couple showed me his work, his sculptures, which are by santiago. His work is generally creating abstract shapes combined with figurative elements reflecting an interest in the integration of the work and the architecture in which it is located.

He is dedicated to forging techniques using sheet metal of all kinds: aluminum sheets, iron scrap, barbed wire. But also he used reinforced plastic, tile, cement plaster and wood.

Its theme shows a strong commitment to social and political problems of the time of the Popular Unity and the post-1973 coup Chilean history. Their work is intended to record violations of human rights, through a message pain, reference to death, sacrifice and violence. Also he provided a great concern for nature, creating sculptures with environmental issues.

Friday 30 May 2014

My favorite filme

Hi, today I'm tell you about my favorite movie and his name is The King's Speech.

I like that film because show us one side from the life of a person that convert in a king (George VI), but is stutterer, and all the trouble he went through with his Royal Family, especially with his brother and his classes of speech, with an australian speech therapist.

His older brother should be the king but he decides marry with a woman, an American socialite divorcée who is still legally married to her second husband. Because that, the Prince Albert takes his place. 

The story its about the relationship between Albert and his therapist, Lionel, with ups and down, but they are friends. I will not telling you the end of this film, because it loses the magic.

The actor Colin Firth plays King George VI and won the Academy Award for Best Actor. I liked him on many others paper, but more in this particular movie. He shows different facet.

I like that kind of stories with drama, History, humor sense and a great ending.

Friday 16 May 2014

Your favourite picture

Hi, in this post I´m going to talk about one of my favourite photograph and this picture it was taken by the chilean photographic artist Sergio Larrain. I don't know the name of this picture, but i like very much, i think because you can see two kids in the street, apparently place where they lived.

I like this photograph for many reasons, one is the simplicity with was taken, the simpleness, the reality , the honestly, i think the picture have all this.

I like the relationship between the kids, his brotherhood. At less what i see in this. 

I remember when me and my sister were children and we play together, my mother also taken a picture similar than this.


Photographer Sergio Larrain was born in 1931 and died in 2012, and is exhibiting his photographs at the National Museum of Art, and there is a phrase that says "A good picture comes from a state of grace" and I´m agree with this philosophy.

Friday 25 April 2014

New Expectations

Hi, I´m going to talk about my new year academic and also thing that I do in my free time.

This term I do more subjects than the last year, because I was disorganized whit them in my entire career. But it isn´t terrible, I can handle it, because they are so much fun.

I hope in this term can do more things, at the university and in my life, this thing can be projects whit other peoples or by myself. I like very much the subjects that I have to do, in particular drawing and my specialty, which are sculpture.

I will work with my uncle and older cousin, because they too are artist or something like that, and it´s gonna be very amusing.

Friday 11 April 2014

My autobiography

My name is Verah Miranda Díaz, and I was born on 17th May 1993 in Santiago, Chile. My parents are Alejandra Díaz and Francisco Miranda, I have a sister two years older than me and her name is Maga.
I've lived all my life in Estación Central. In there lives my large family too, but in different places. I don't live with my father, but I see him frequently. I live with my mother, her couple, Ari, and my sister.
I've always like art, my mother told me that when I was 3 years old I painted my sister and my two cousin for their back. For my mother that was awesome.